EUROPEAN FEDERATION  

The "Fédération Européenne de Qwan Ki Do - Arts Martiaux sino-Vietnamiens" (FEQKD) based in Brussels is established as an entity with legal personality, and more precisely as an international non-profit association federation. 

The FEQKD aims to promote the dissemination of Sino-Vietnamese martial arts disciplines in all fields of their expression, educational, moral and sports, and in particular of the methods used by the ASD Italian Union Qwan Ki Do school since 1981. 

These methods are registered with Protocol 18084 of March 6, 1987 - Trade Industry and Crafts Office and its subsequent updates; furthermore, the academic development of Maestro Roberto VISMARA according to the EurEthICS ETSIA ® Phuong Long Cultural Association - Qwan Ki Do - Sino-Vietnamese Martial Arts Reg. N. ACDY GBS 0033/2019-Dep. 31/2020, 14 February 2020. 

The association promotes sport at all levels, sports games, studies, training and good practices within the European community. In particular, in pursuing education through sport, culture and the environment, the FEQKD is in harmony with the principles, legislation, codes of conduct and protocols established by the European Union and international organizations in the field of community acquis. . 

The FEQKD aims to organize sports-recreational activities and inclusive social events to promote the health and autonomy of people with disabilities and aims at the development of studies oriented towards interculturality, support for teaching (tutoring), life professional (dual career) and cultural exchanges between teachers and students. 

The three main components of FEQKD which reflect the priorities listed are: Training Academy; Games and competitions; Social sport and leisure. 

The European Federation relies on the expertise of EurEthICS - ETSIA and the Phuong Long Academy to plan and implement training initiatives for teachers, black belts, national and international managers and for any practitioner who wants to expand their culture. 

The subjects covered in these courses concern not only martial arts but other topics of technical, communicative and humanistic relevance.

The World Union of Qwan Ki Do and Sino-Vietnamese Martial Arts can also be supported by the European Federation and EurEthICS for the training of its managers, instructors and practitioners.

Eurethics Etsia certification




The "Fédération Européenne de Qwan Ki Do - Arts Martiaux sino-Vietnamiens" (FEQKD) based in Brussels is established as an entity with legal personality, and more precisely as an international non-profit association federation. 

The FEQKD aims to promote the dissemination of Sino-Vietnamese martial arts disciplines in all fields of their expression, educational, moral and sports, and in particular of the methods used by the ASD Italian Union Qwan Ki Do school since 1981. 

These methods are registered with Protocol 18084 of March 6, 1987 - Trade Industry and Crafts Office and its subsequent updates; furthermore, the academic development of Maestro Roberto VISMARA according to the EurEthICS ETSIA ® Phuong Long Cultural Association - Qwan Ki Do - Sino-Vietnamese Martial Arts Reg. N. ACDY GBS 0033/2019-Dep. 31/2020, 14 February 2020. 

The association promotes sport at all levels, sports games, studies, training and good practices within the European community. In particular, in pursuing education through sport, culture and the environment, the FEQKD is in harmony with the principles, legislation, codes of conduct and protocols established by the European Union and international organizations in the field of community acquis. . 

The FEQKD aims to organize sports-recreational activities and inclusive social events to promote the health and autonomy of people with disabilities and aims at the development of studies oriented towards interculturality, support for teaching (tutoring), life professional (dual career) and cultural exchanges between teachers and students. 

The three main components of FEQKD which reflect the priorities listed are: Training Academy; Games and competitions; Social sport and leisure. 

The European Federation relies on the expertise of EurEthICS - ETSIA and the Phuong Long Academy to plan and implement training initiatives for teachers, black belts, national and international managers and for any practitioner who wants to expand their culture. 

The subjects covered in these courses concern not only martial arts but other topics of technical, communicative and humanistic relevance.

The World Union of Qwan Ki Do and Sino-Vietnamese Martial Arts can also be supported by the European Federation and EurEthICS for the training of its managers, instructors and practitioners.

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